Finding a Plumber in Contra Costa County

If you’re like most Contra Costa home and business-owners, you are careful when it comes to the services to your residence and business. Finding a dependable plumber in the Contra Costa area can be testy. You could rifle through several pages in a telephone directory. You could do an internet search for the word “plumber.” Here are a few tips to finding a good Contra Costa plumbing service. First, check backgrounds. Do on-line background checks, check reviews from internet sources, and finally, ask colleagues, friends and family members.

We all have had those plumbing nightmares, which have seared themselves into memory: insistent polluted water rising inside the basin of a flushed toilet, rotted walls or wood from years of slow water leakage, a flooded room from a bathroom or water-heater plumbing failure. You know the one. Not to worry. Now, you can develop a trustworthy relationship with a reliable plumbing service with local Contra Costa plumbing technicians.

The Drain Doctor’s certified plumbing technicians are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to service all your plumbing needs in the Contra Costa area. They don’t even charge extra for weekends or holidays, and they guarantee their work with a limited warranty. Your relationship with your plumbing service provider will be a long one. Your plumber should understand, and keep a record, of your plumbing and other services.

For example, if you recently had your kitchen remodeled, your plumber should have a detailed record the next time they provide your service. Whether you have plumbing problems with your kitchen or bathroom fixtures, water heater, garbage disposal, dishwasher, washing machine, outdoor plumbing, or other plumbing issue, take the time to find a safe, reliable and dependable plumber. You will be glad you did. The Drain Doctor has been servicing Contra Costa’s plumbing problems since 1996. They even offer a limited warranty on all plumbing work they provide. Contact the Drain Doctor, by phone at: (888) 554-LEAK, or visit their website: